Welcome to BlueStorm Server Store!
We thank you for your donations
Donations will help keep this server running
Please check discord for coupon codes!
Join Our Discord If You Haven't Already!
See The Above Tabs For Available Items
Please allow up to 15 minutes after purchases to receive item!
Although it usually takes less then 5 minutes!
Welcome to BlueStorm where we sell virtual currency for our Rust Server. All items listed for sale have no value and are for in-game points or perks. If you need help please join our dicord https://discord.gg/hd7QnpT3fw and create a support ticket or email us at [email protected]

BlueStorm Server Rules
Racist, abusive and hate speech is not tolerated.
Using any form of cheating is forbidden.
Using any in-game glitches/exploits for your advantage is forbidden.
Advertising in any form for clans, communities, websites is forbidden.
Any form of Trolling, baiting or stupidity will not be tolerated.
Players may be punished if they are not considered to be displaying Fair play/Maturity.
We all like to have a laugh and fool around, but not to the detriment of another player’s experience.
Payments to BlueStorm is a payment for the virtual items contained in the purchase. This transaction is final and there are no refunds. If you are banned for breaking the rules, you will not be refunded. Bans are subject to the full discretion of the server admins and rules can be changed at any time. There is no guarantee on being able to enter the server, and if the server is no longer operated the virtual items are forfeit. Refund requests due to issues concerning lag, game glitches, or any other issues are subject to the discretion of the server administration team. All items are virtual and have no value. By purchasing, you agree that all purchases are final, refunds will only be given at the discretion of BlueStorm administration.
Privacy and Security Policy
Terms & Conditions