Aeon Donations | Webstore

Popular Products

Donator Store Credits x 500 $5.00
Donator Store Credits x 2,500 $25.00
Donator Store Credits x 1,000 $10.00
Donator Store Credits x 10,000 $100.00

aeon | Webstore

Welcome to our donation page, here you can show your support by helping us fund Aeon through donations. When you donate, credits will be gifted and applied to your in game account as a token of our appreciation.*
Use the ::claim command in chat to receive your gift.

Wanting to donate with RS3 GP? Contact Xenthium via either our forums or Discord.

-- Terms and Conditions --

When donating through our Gpay and or PayPal, you are agreeing to the following:

By donating, you are doing exactly that, giving money out of will to help us fund Aeon. We are never under any obligations to provide you with anything, for any sum donated. Store credits are not physical or virtual services/goods, they are a gift in which we hold the right to revoke from your account(s) at any time. All donations processed here via Gpay and or PayPal are strictly non-refundable. Violating these terms of service by attempting to open a transaction dispute/chargeback or having a transaction reversed by your bank will result in the immediate termination of all your accounts relating to Aeon-PS. All attempted chargebacks and disputes will be responded to with proof of your acceptance to these Terms and Conditions.