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kbscape | Webstore

Donating to the server is just that, you are donating to help keep the server run as well as improve your experience for not just you but as well as your fellow players. Keep in mind that we do not take your money and use it for our own personal benefit, the money from the server's donations are for the server and that’s how it will remain. Donating to KBScape is a big commitment, so it's perfectly fine if you can not afford to do so right now. You can always come back when you are able to. We do not want you to hurt your pocket to support our server so be sure to only donate if you are able to do so. We do NOT take charge backs lightly. All sales are final and if a charge back happens to occur we are willing to fight it to the fullest even if it entails taking legal action. You are paying for goods, whether those goods are pixels or not, you did purchase them and you will be held responsible for that purchase so please think twice before you attempt a charge back.