Borealis Entertainment VIP
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Welcome to the Borealis Entertainment VIP store

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Basic VIP - 30 Days


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Ultimate VIP++ - 60 Days


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Supporting Member's Package


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VIP++ & Blueprint Bundle


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Borealis Entertainment VIP

Our servers are made with a ton of community feedback, and take a lot of hard work and collaborative effort!

If you do choose to donate to our servers, the top menu has some of our VIP packages that you can receive. 

Any revenue made from this shop will be used to provide more premium content for our Rust users!


If you are strapped for cash, you can always get basic VIP for Rust after a full 30 days of voting here: Voting Link


This shop uses PayPal Gateway Authentication which is extremely secure and used by most online retailers worldwide! We do not collect or store any information you provide to this payment interface.